Services Provided by Muir Analytics

Muir Analytics’ services are tailored to fit the needs of the customer. We do, however, have a suite of services we provide: Threat Watch, Threat Report, Threat Survey, and Threat Inspection.

Threat Watch continually tracks an insurgency and tells if it is growing in intensity or declining. It also tells if a threat group’s intentions are changing. Threat Watch does the same with terror prone regions. Threat Watch also tells you how these issues impact your business.

Regular analysis deliverables include weekly and monthly options – whichever best suits the client’s needs – spliced with summary quarterly, six-month, and yearly analysis options. It is a continual information product. Analyses and assessments for Threat Watch are comprehensive and entail long term benchmarking.

Threat Report is a shorter, single report version of Threat Watch. Research, analysis, and writing might take between six months to a year, and the deliverable is a one-time event. Analyses and assessments for Threat Report are extensive and entail short to medium term benchmarking.

Threat Survey is a quick view of a threat issue. Research might take one week to three months, and the deliverable is a one-time product. Analyses and assessments for Threat Survey are brisk, straightforward, and entail short term benchmarking.

Threat Inspection is an onsite security appraisal of a business asset – a hotel, warehouse, port, business headquarters, etc. At a minimum, it should be bolstered by a Threat Survey, though Threat Report or Threat Watch would be ideal.